Real Estate Consultancy

Primary information and rules about purchasing property and getting residency in Turkey

According to the Land Registry Law, purchasing and owning a property in Turkey is allowed for all foreigners. You may ask about list of allowed countries to buy property in Turkey, from embassy or consulate of Turkey in your country, or you may directly contact Land registry Office in Turkey (Iranian citizens are allowed to buy property by inquire from relevant institutes). According to Turkey’s rules and regulations , transition of possesion, is merely possible by presenting bond and official papers that is signed by parties or their official Attorneys, just in official Real Estate registration offices.

Real estate purchasing phases (or steps ) in Turkey

In first step for official purchasing in Turkey, after visiting the property, checking the proof of ownership and after choosing the appropriate property, primary contract (satis sozlesmesi) will be written in real states and parties will sign it. But purchaser should note that signing primary contract before registering in official offices, is not a requirment for real estate registration oraganization to transit the possesion to the buyer and there is not any legal aspects for transition of possession because of signing the primary contract. In this stage, the buyer will prepay some amount of contract to the seller. After this stage, real estate is obligated to go to the Real Estate Registration Organization and open a new case for selling property . Usually, when Real Estate Registration Organization makes documents ready for transition of possession, a message will be sent to the owner and date of signing and transition of possession will be specified. In specified date, the owner along side with the buyer goes to Real Estate registration Organization and after receiving the balance amount, will sign documents in Presence of officer of Organization and official translator (Yeminli Tercuman) and transition of property will be implemented. ( presence of official translator for foreigners who is not dominant to Turkish language is cumplusive) Translator’s documents should be presented to the file, in first day and buyer and seller goes to Real Esteate registration Organization. After signing, in the same day the buyer will receive the main proof of ownership If the property is purchased in the form of a power of attorney ,the original letter of attorney with the translation must be received by the Turkish embassy in buyer's country and be filed from the day the request.

Required Documents to Buy a Home in Turkey at the time of offering your request in land registry office

1- Two pieces of Biometric photos
2- The Turkish Tax Code (Vergi Numarası), which is received from the Turkish Tax Administration.
3- Principal and verified translation of the passport of the buyer or buyers
4- Presentation of official translation documents received by the translator.
5- Presenting the original and verified translation of the power of attorney (in case of legal representation)